Monday, May 26, 2008

♠ Monday 26.5.2008 ♠

i was too free yesterday..haha..after being annnoyed for 4 hours straight, i decided to do some drawing, since it has been some time i did not's not that nice though..

*ahem* i know, my drawing will never be as great as su sian's..XD!

it took me a while to complete the drawing..of course, i'm a beginner and i definitely need some time to learn to draw better..hah..practice makes perfect right? i'll work harder to improve my skills..XD!
gahhh..i have to go to school later, although it's the hols already!!! for what??
CHOIR PRACTICE!!! i never liked choir in my life..and the hideous uniform makes me hate it even more! i'm *speechless* whenever i have to describe the the songs we
have to sing sucks a lot! sweat.. T.T
sometimes, i really wonder why the glass doesn't break into pieces when my teacher sings such an extremely high tune during difficult to tolerate..hah..choir members, i'm sure we'll 'have fun' singing today..haha..
and by the way, i find this quote really true..'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. it suits my situation so much!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love SHaPe aGaIn Hor...wAnA b Angel eDi Izit?Rmb 2 Buy uR wINgs aH..haha...