Monday, October 6, 2008

sickingly sick..

sickingly sick..haizz..

took a nap since i can't tolerate the's always my fav when it comes to taking a nap on a rainy day..heh..woke up with a terrible headache..WTH!?

saw this in vivien's blog -> vi and i are the meat in our class..and those who sit behind and in front of us are the bread..swt right? still..we have our reasons to say so..

meat + bread = something like a burger..ignore this if you don't get it..

*laughs non-stop* vi was asked to join a church choir..LOL..

vandelism in class..=.=' point blaming others when they were the ones who did it..what's with those people? making conditions worse? 1 word..immature..LPG WAS REALLY MAD..I MEAN IT..M-A-D..i ain't involved..phew..

might be a one-day vegetarian tomorrow..wonder if i'll survive..never for once in life that i've had vegetarian food for the whole day..

nic's back..hah..lots of catching up for her to do..good luck..

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