Tuesday, August 26, 2008


first and foremost..i would like to thank viv..THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR UPLOADING THE VIDEO OF SARAS!! it was SERIOUSLY HILLARIOUS!! those who haven't view it..do check it out..muahahahahahaha..

shoot..saras is so gonna' strangle me again..but you know what..i don't care..haha..there're always other ways to get her back..haha..

by the way..i deleted the post of my conversation with HP..lol..XD..

i fell asleep really early last night..thanks to my sick condition..*sigh* and what's even worse..have to go to the saints' field for national day celebration tomorrow..i seriously wish i don't have to attend..too bad..I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E..and i'm sure the whatever telematch that i was forced to join will TERRIBLY SUCK..it'll be LAME!!

grrr..nothing is turning out fine or good..none at all..aahh..a farewell's coming up this friday for our school principal..

was very freaked out a moment ago..lol..i'm not gonna' say why though..=.=' but i only know..I'M SO DEAD!

the form 3s are having their trials tomorrow..therefore..i wish them GOOD LUCK! haha..

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